A gift for you.——这是给你的礼物
Expect nothing less.——只有更强
Flow like water.——如流水一般
From one thing know ten thousand things.——见其一,便知其二
I choose you, spirit dragon.——就是你了,巨竜之魂
I do what I must.——为家族尽职尽责
Ignore all distractions.——专心致志
Never second best.——我最强
Remember this moment.——记住这一刻
Step into the DOJO.——步入道场
The outcome was never in doubt.——我从不怀疑
When the moon is full it begins to wane.——月盈则亏,水满则溢
You are already dead.——你已经死了
击杀源氏:半藏:就像小时候那样。(Just as when we were boys.)
击杀源氏:半藏:你永远都不是我的对手。(You were never my equal.)
对源氏:半藏:我们本可以一起创造一个帝国。(We could have built an empire together.)
源氏:那曾是你的梦想,不是我的。(That was your dream, not mine.)
对源氏:半藏:你以为你比得上我?(Think you can do better than me?)
源氏:我很确定。(I am certain of it.)
对源氏:半藏:你成不了大器。(You will never amount to anything.)
源氏:等着看吧,哥哥。(We shall see, brother.)
对源氏:源氏:现在改变还不算迟,哥哥。(It is not too late to change your course, brother.)
半藏:你错了,弟弟。我已经无法赎罪了。(You are mistaken, brother. I am beyond redemption.)
对源氏:源氏:怎么了,半藏?认不出我了?(What's wrong, Hanzo? Don't you recognize me?)
半藏:我弟弟死了,是我亲手杀了他的。(My brother is dead. I killed him with my own hands.)
对“狂鼠”:半藏:你把财宝藏在哪儿了?你应该不会藏在身上。(Where did you hide your treasure? You could hardly have it on your person.)
“狂鼠”:财宝?呃...我当然不知道你在说什么了……(Treasure? Uh... sure I don't know anything you're talking about...)
对“黑百合”:半藏:哪天我们来赌一把,是我的弓快还是你的枪更快。(I would take my bow against your rifle any day.)
“黑百合”:好啊,那将是你犯的最后一个错误。(That would be the last mistake you ever made.)
对“黑百合”:“黑百合”:黑爪可以重建你父亲的帝国。(Talon could restore your family's empire.)
半藏:但代价是什么?(But at what cost?)
对禅雅塔:禅雅塔:我在你的身上感受到了一股愤怒,这股愤怒曾经吞噬了你的弟弟。(I sense within you the same rage that once consumed your brother.)
半藏:我们一点也不像。(We are nothing alike.)
在花村:半藏:这里曾是我的家,但现在……不再是了。(This was once my home. No longer.)
在花村:半藏:没时间玩游戏了。(No time for games.)(This is my home now.)
在花村:半藏:岛田家的主人回来了。(The master of the Shimada clan has returned.)
在花村:半藏:这里所有的一切曾经都属于我。(All of this was to be mine.)
在努巴尼:半藏:流浪至此,并非我的本意。(My wanderings brought me to this place. It was not to my liking.)